The collection contains two books of meteorological observations and four folders. The first book contains weather data recorded at Lafayette College from January 1849 to January 1850, April 1856 to June 1858, and December 1859 to February 1860. The book also contains a separate booklet recording rain and snow at the college from 1863 to 1868 and newspaper clippings of major storms. A folder in the front of the book contains weather observations at Lafayette College for the Franklin Institute for May 1858 and for the Smithsonian Institute in February 1858 and June 1860. The back of the book contains the constitution of the Meteorological Association of Lafayette College and its list of members dated December 1849. The second book contains daily observations for the Weather Bureau from 1885-1904. The four folders record rain data for the years 1885-1888. The forms are addressed to the War Department, Signal Service, U.S. Army.